Our College Vision-Mission Statement
The College Vision
To provide holistic education which strives to enhance the spiritual, intellectual, social, cultural and physical potential of young people. The nurturing and development of Disciples of Christ is our focus.
The College Mission Statement
St Bishoy College aims to assist each child to grow and flourish through Christ. As a family we aim to instruct our children in recognition that Striving to excellence and achieving success is attainable through their growth in Christ.
The College Motto
“I can do all things through Christ" Phil 4:13
We believe that the Orthodox family has a unique spirit with a sense of belonging and the College seeks to develop this further. We take up the challenge with the Grace of our Lord Jesus to impart the qualities that will provide a source of strength to each individual, enabling them to take an active and responsible role in society in the spirit of the Holy Bible.
The College Objectives
1. To promote and develop a Bible-based understanding, acceptance and practice of Orthodoxy.
a) To assist the children to develop a personal relationship with God through prayer and regular reading of the Holy Bible.
b) To assist the children's understanding of Orthodoxy through the Bible by emphasising the importance of the Gospels as the cornerstone of the Orthodox Faith.
c) To encourage the children to understand the relevance of the Bible in their day to day lives through simple, practical exercises.
2. To foster the growth of students towards the full realisation of their academic potential.
a) To encourage students to achieve their best through individual attention, tailored class work and homework.
b) To focus on introduction and consolidation of the core learning competencies; reading, writing and arithmetic.
c) To assess student progress on a regular basis through a variety of testing mediums.
d) To identify accelerated learning potential with the view to co-ordinate accelerated learning classes.
e) To identify and assist student's with special learning needs.
f) To make learning fun through the use of a variety of audio-visual material and encouraging creativity.
3. To develop an awareness of the History and traditions of the Coptic Orthodox Faith as it relates to the rites of the Church.
a) To develop the children's knowledge and understanding of the Sacraments and their importance in the Orthodox Faith.
b) To encourage the children to participate in the Sacraments on a regular and on-going basis.
c) To instruct children in the history of the Church and stories of the Saints.
4. To encourage and develop co-operation, friendliness, integrity and respect for the social and cultural community to which we belong. a) To instruct children in the learning of both the Coptic and Arabic language.
b) To encourage the children to understand and appreciate the development of our culture from the Pharaonic tradition.
c) To assist the children to understand and read the teachings of the Holy Fathers.
d) To encourage the children to reconcile their Egyptian background with being Australian.